Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Spectacled Flying-fox

This astonishingly beautiful nectar and fruit-eating bat is the local "World Heritage" Daintree forester the Spectacled Flying-fox (Pteropus conspiculatus).
We are fortunate in Wonga Beach to have them set up Camp along a creek line running parallel to Marlin Drive. During winter the Spectacled Flying-foxes spread out into more numerous but smaller camps because their nectar diet is similarly widespread. (Rainforest trees produce less nectar in winter)
One of the most spectacular nature eco events in Cairns is the Spectacled Flying-fox "Flyout" which can be witnessed from the restaurant strip next to the lagoon at dusk as 20 000 bats take to the skies on their nightly rainforest forage for food.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Crocodile canalabism.

Daintree River aboard Solar Whisper.
Captain and passengers witnessed a crocodile eating another crocodile last Wednesday. Called an unusual sighting because crocodiles don't eat much, do not eat often and are rarely seen eating anything. The digestion period is likely to be several weeks.

photo courtesy of the Cairns Post.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dollarbird in Wonga Beach

There is an immature Dollarbird hanging around Wonga Beach at present. It has been here for a week now and shows no sign of finishing it's migration further north.

Image of adult Dollarbird courtesy of nature